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Sunday 21 December 2014

Merry Walrus Party'14: Festive Fluffy Feast Food Fight Cheats Guide!

Once again, I am sorry about posting this so late. On Friday, 19th December Club Penguin released the second task of the Merry Walrus Party... guess which? The Festive Fluffy Food Fight!  So, here I am with a proper guide to complete it, for those who haven't still.

First, when you click on the Blue Crystal Puffle icon, you will notice the board of the second task. Click on "Go There!" to start the task.

Throw food 10 times at the Festive Fluffy Feast Food Fight

That's what you actually have to so. When you reach the Beach you will notice the Grand Feast on there! 

Merry Walrus: FOOD FIGHT! You only eat what you catch! This way more exciting than sitting down for dinner!

Of course, it is more interesting. So, now for the task all you have to do is throw your special snowballs at the feast food items nearby. It can be fishes, pizzas, anything... Just enjoy!

Once you catch all ten items, you receive a message from Merry Walrus.

Merry Walrus: You did it! 500 coins will be donated to Coins for Change in your name!

And, so you donate 500 coins directly to the Coins for Change. Not only that, but you also get some great free items.

A Fluffy Cap head item for all and a Blue Crystal Puffle body item costume for the members! So, that's how you complete the Feast task. Join me later for the next tasks's cheats. Feel free to comment below and share your thoughts and ideas.

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