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Sunday 21 December 2014

Merry Walrus Party'14: Ring Bells at Plaza Cheats Guide!

As promised, I am back. Yesterday, the Club Penguin released the third task for the Merry Walrus Party'14. On clicking the Blue Crystal Puffle icon and visiting it's second page you will find the third task listed on the board.

Ring 8 bells at the Plaza to celebrate!

Now, to complete the third task visit the Plaza where you will find Merry Walrus with an important message...

Merry Walrus: Ding dong! It's Merry walrus time. Let the whole Island know you're earning donations!

Now you will notice exactly eight bells hanging around the different corners of the rooms mostly on the building roofs.

Shoot them with a snowball to ring all of them!

And, so you complete the task when you ring all of them and also receive a message from Merry Walrus.

Merry Walrus: You did it! 500 coins will be donated to Coins for Change in your name!

Congrats, buddy! You have successfully completed three tasks of the Party.

Don't forget to collect your free items, 'cause it's Holiday time and you won't like to miss these small little fun-stuffs! For the next task cheats, stay tuned and don't forget to comment below!

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